Still Life Concepts
Photo by guest lecturer Whitney Lewis-Smith
Check the current part-time calendar to see if this class is running. Email to express your interest in this class!
SPAO’s Concept Classes provide an invaluable opportunity to connect directly with renowned artists and explore four critical photographic genres: landscape/architecture, documentary, still life, and portraiture.
The Still Life Concepts classes alternate between guest lectures by renowned still life artists and hands-on experimentation in the studio. Classes will engage critically with still life concepts such as Vanitas and memento mori.
In the studio, students can expect to explore a variety of studio lighting methods, styles, and techniques such as Speedlite, strobe and continuous lighting. Students can also expect to learn how to use scanography as a method of image making, and practice sculpting their object through macro/ tabletop shooting.
Digital Photography I: Foundation or equivalent.
After completing Masterclass: Still Life Concepts, consider these potential next steps: