Wet Collodion

Photo by SPAO alum Christine Fitzgerald


After completing Masterclass: Wet Plate Collodion Tintypes, consider these potential next steps:

Check the current part-time calendar to see if this class is running. Email to express your interest in this class! 

In this hands-on workshop you will learn how to make "direct positive" tintypes from start to finish; each plate is a one-of-a-kind positive image exposed directly in camera on blackened metal. These timeless photographs use silver and light to develop a superior image with a surreal quality that will literally last for generations. You will learn the chemistry and techniques to pour, expose, develop and varnish your own plates.

On the first and second day of the workshop, through lecture, students will learn about this photographic process’s history, observe the work of past wet collodion masters, as well as cover chemistry, recipes, pouring technique and safety, followed by an instructor demo. Saturday & Sunday will be devoted to shooting and varnishing your plates with one-on-one instructor guidance.

This class will be conducted in SPAO’s darkroom and studio with artificial lighting, so as to have full control of the set. After completing this workshop, you will have the foundation of skills, experience and information to continue the Wet-Plate process on your own.